Laboratoires Bionatus Pharmacognosique Inc. is an independent Canadian company owned by Elzo Velani, founder of the Brazilian company Bionatus Laboratório Botânico LTD., his son Matheus Velani our President, and team members listed above.

Elzo Velani

As founder and owner of Bionatus Laboratório Botânico LTD., Elzo has a key role in the relationship between our company in Canada and his company in Brazil.

Mathues Velani

As President and co-founder, Matheus has a crucial role in the organization, responsible for overseeing the overall management and direction of the company.

N’Zi Andre Konan PhD

As Vice-President and co-founder, Andre has a key executive role in the company. He acts on behalf of the President and he's responsible for compliance with reglementation.

Christine Bureau

Christine plays a crucial role in shaping the company's brand identity and image. She collaborates with the executive team to develop and implement a comprehensive brand strategy.

Michel Aubé PhD

As Chief Scientific Officer, Michel focuses on advancing the company's scientific and technological capabilities. He helps to identify opportunities for new product development and innovation.